Identity Analytics and Risk Intelligence:
Preview Mode: Identity Analytics is moving out of preview mode shortly. After the change the product will move into a release state. A 30 day Trial will replace the previous preview option
High Risk Account Views Enhanced: The high risk account views went thru a layout update. In additional new filters added to these views.
Risk Profiles Added: This view is new to the solution. You can access the view by navigating to the high risk account page, and then selecting an individual high account. The Risk Profile highlights several new interesting facts about the account and can be considered a "place to form an opinion" of the account. One of the widgets includes data to get a snapshot if the account is becoming more or less risky over time (or has had no changes). Another widget highlights how the high risk is granted - either via group membership or via direct assignment. This widget was requested to help pursue the notion of best practice when assigning entitlement grants. Many believe this should always be via group membership whenever possible. The third widget on the risk profile page breaks down the high risk by the rules that was matched. Finally, a detailed view is provided for each high risk rule. This detailed view provides the information if remediation is needed. It shows how the entitlement was granted, what the target is, and the name of the entitlement. For example if you need to remove some high risk access, this view lets you know which group membership to remove the account from. Or, for example, it tells you which Access Template in ActiveRoels to remove permissions from if you want to eliminate the permission from the whole template
Rules Views: The overall layout was simplified and new filters were added. The top-level view gives an overview of high risk by each enabled classification rule. Selecting an individual rule now provides deeper insight into the specific permissions that must be granted to match the rule.
Data Collection: Work is underway in the pre-prod environments for some upcoming updates to data collection. For example being able to see how many accounts each module has collected or being able to purge collected data from future processing.