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  • Integration with Starling Connecy and AWS

    we have to implement integration among One Identity and AWS.

    So, as I have seen in the documentation, there is the support for AWS IAM.

    Arguing with sysadmins of the customer, it has emerged that, for managing Identity in AWS  with multiple accounts…

  • OneLogin and AWS CloudTrail Lake Integration

    As an AWS Partner, One Identity is proud to announce that it is now even easier to leverage your existing AWS tooling with your OneLogin data. We are among the first partners to offer a new integration that joins tools, such as our previously released AWS…

  • AWS ECS Fargate and private.key for jobserver container


    we are planning to run the docker jobserver container on AWS ECS Fargate.

    Providing parameters like CONNSTRING is not a problem.

    However providing the container with a file (private.key) is a bit cumbersome as you need to mount it through EFS.

    Is it…

  • AWS Identity integration

    I'm trying to make connections to accounts in AWS Identity for manage accounts but I'm not sure what requirements we need... User permissions? Anything special?
    Do I have to use a SCIM type connector for each system since there are no native connectors…