Custom Application - Adding System Entitlements 2 - User on connected Business Roles are not added

Hi All,

I think I did something wrong but I´m not able to find my fault. 

We have a custom POSH app, and this was initially built with Groups and System Entitlement 1 activated in the app and Account definition. We have connected groups and entitlments to different business roles and this is working fine. Now I have extended the app and added some data to System Entitlement 2, connected business roles and nothing happend. Then I activated system entitlements used and User account contains memebership for System entitlements 2. And then I have also check the inherit in the account definition of that app for SE2.

But still, users are not added to the entitlments. Did i miss something?

We use version 9.1.1

Best, Denny

  • I found it!!

    So, if you have allready user added in UNSAccountB then there is also a the attribut IsGroupAccount_UNSGroupB(1,2,3) written. My existing user are only set to two of them. When I change it now for the other two groups, the calculation works.

    Best, Denny

  • I found it!!

    So, if you have allready user added in UNSAccountB then there is also a the attribut IsGroupAccount_UNSGroupB(1,2,3) written. My existing user are only set to two of them. When I change it now for the other two groups, the calculation works.

    Best, Denny

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